Differences and application methods of refractory mud, castable, refractory coating and plastic.
1. Fireclay: fine powder and additives below 200 meshes (0.074mm), mixed with water or other binders, are used for building firebricks;
2. Refractory castable: an amorphous refractory with a certain fluidity after mixing with water or other binders under a certain particle ratio, for formwork erection and pouring construction;
3. Refractory coating: suitable for coating refractory materials with appropriate particle size. For example, a layer of coating is applied on the surface of the fiber module to prevent shrinkage cracking;
4. Refractory plastic: It is an amorphous refractory material in the form of hard mud paste after mixing, and maintains high plasticity for a long time. The plasticity index is 16~40. It is used for tamping and coating.